Thursday, November 28, 2019

Psychology Violence On Television Essays - Dispute Resolution

Psychology: ?Violence On Television? Couch Spuds According to the Article Violence on Television published by the American Psychological Association at the website, violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. That's the word from a 1982 report by the National Institute of Mental Health, a report that confirmed and extended an earlier study done by the Surgeon General. As a result of these and other research findings, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution in February 1985 informing broadcasters and the public of the potential dangers that viewing violence on television can have for children. Psychological research has shown three major effects of seeing violence on television: children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, children may be more fearful of the world around them, and children may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others. Children who watch a lot of TV are less bothered by violence in general, and less likely to see anything wrong with it. The article gave the example that in several studies, those who watched a violent program instead of a nonviolent one were slower to intervene or to call for help when, a little later, they saw younger children fighting or playing destructively. Studies by George Gerbner, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, have shown that children's TV shows contain about 20 violent acts each hour and also that children who watch a lot of television are more likely to think that the world is a mean and dangerous place. Children often behave differently after they've been watching violent programs on TV. In one study done at Pennsylvania State University, about 100 preschool children were observed both before and after watching television; some watched cartoons that had a lot of aggressive and violent acts in them, and others watched shows that didn't have any kind of violence. The researchers noticed real differences between the kids who watched the violent shows and those who watched nonviolent ones. According to Aletha Huston, Ph.D., children who watch the violent shows, even 'just funny' cartoons, were more likely to hit out at their playmates, argue, disobey class rules, leave tasks unfinished, and were less willing to wait for things than those who watched the nonviolent programs. Findings from the laboratory are further supported by field studies, which have shown the long-range effects of televised violence. Leonard Eron, Ph.D., and his associates at the University of Illinois, found that ch ildren who watched many hours of TV violence when they were in elementary school tended to also show a higher level of aggressive behavior when they became teenagers. By observing these youngsters until they were 30 years old, Dr. Eron found that the ones who had watched a lot of TV when they were eight years old were more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for criminal acts as adults. Television does influence children, however parents have tremendous power to moderate that influence. Because there is a great deal of violence in both adult and children's programming, just limiting the number of hours children watch television will probably reduce the amount of aggression they see. Parents should watch at least one episode of the programs their children watch. That way they will know what their children are watching and be able to talk about it with them. When they see a violent incident, parents can discuss with their child what caused the character to act in a violent way. They should also point out that this kind of behavior is not characteristic. They can ask their children to talk about other ways the character could have reacted, or other nonviolent solutions to the character's problem. Parents can outright ban any programs that they find too offensive. They can also restrict their children's viewing to shows that they feel are more beneficial, such as docume ntaries, educational shows and so on. Parents can limit the amount of time children spend watching television, and encourage children to spend their time on sports, hobbies, or with friends. Parents can encourage their children to watch programs that demonstrate helping, caring and cooperation. Bibliography Violence on Television published by the American Psychological

Monday, November 25, 2019

Article Review of Sales Promotion Essay Example

Article Review of Sales Promotion Essay Example Article Review of Sales Promotion Paper Article Review of Sales Promotion Paper Sales Promotion Definition The growth of sales promotion, service, sales promotion and competitions, competitions and consumer behavior and the consumer as a competitor are the sub topics that were reviewed in this section. Regarding the growth of sales promotion; the definition of sales promotion and the reasons for the current intensification of sales promotion in UK are stated. The second sub topic converse (services, sales promotion and competition) the application of sales promotion specifically in the service industry and the factors to be considered in determining the suitability of value-increasing (e. Price deals, coupon, refund offers etc. ) or value-adding (e. G. Free gift, competition and the like) sales promotions for service providers. Continuing with this, the third subtopic associate the value adding sales promotion specifically competition with consumer behavior in terms of why it is attractive to the consumer, the aim of the service providers in using competition and the types of consumers th at are targeted. Methodology The competition data were obtained from the largest competitors information network in UK containing a total of 2646 different I-J sales promotion competitions ever a three year period. Of these a subset of 188 competitions which were sponsored by service providers was extracted for analysis. The sample consisted only of competitions which were available on a national or regional basis and were associated with promoting a product or service, as opposed to being all or part of the product or service Itself. Analysis and Interpretation The competitors Information network has encoded and analyzed the competition data by using Maintain. Using this data the authors has analyzed a sample of 188 competitions to determine describe the extent of usage of competition by the reverie sector, ten service sectors Involved In ten competition promotion, ten nature of competitions used, the prizes involved (their value number), the roles competitions play and they have used a marketing integration level of competitions to measure the effectiveness of competition in the service industry. Hypothesis We can deduce from the availed information that the hypothesis were; The sales promotion tool, competition, represents a growing phenomenon in the service industry. Results found Services account for fractionally more than 7 percent (188 out of 2646 intentions) of all competitions in the survey, which leaves them rather under- represented, when considered in light of its importance in the total economy. Financial services are the largest sector in usage of competitions as sales promotion techniques. Travel and tourism showed the 2nd widespread use of competitions throughout a range of sectors including tour operators, travel agents, tourist boards, transport services and hoteliers, while minor users of competition include communications, retail services and professional services ranging from dentists to solicitors. The two most widely employed competition types in the service industry are conventional competitions (question and slogan) and creative competitions (Questions and draw/paint/photograph element) accounting 52% and 13% respectively. Sponsors can vary in terms of the average number and value of prizes which typify their competition. Accordingly, services as whole appear to favor the Jackpot philosophy (few prizes/high value) indicating an attempt at using the competition and prize as a quality cue. The roles of competitions in the service industry were sales uplifts, encouraging trial, encouraging use, new product launch, seasonal demand smoothing and awareness rising. Using marketing integration, either the prize or the mechanics of the competition have any obvious for of synergy with the product or service being promoted, as a measure of effectiveness of competitions, services score poorly I. E. Owing to a tendency to focus the mechanics of the competition on the tangible prize rather than the intangible service itself. Conclusions Despite their suitability as promotional tool for services, competitions still appear to be somewhat under-represented with in services markets. Moreover, it tries to discuss the research works of various scholars such as the 1986 survey by Harris and marketing week, the Nielsen promotion service survey in Canada, Donnelley marketing US survey and others to supplement the subsequent parts of the article. Methodology the search article clearly describe the secondary data used to describe and measure the effectiveness of sales competitions in the service sector. A total of 2646 UK competitions over three year period were taken and of which 188 competitions sponsored by service providers was extracted for analysis. However the article has employed a vague method of measurement, the marketing integration, to gauge the effectiveness of sales promotion competition for the service industry. Results this section has described the results found from the analysis of the sample secondary data and it has presented it in a logically sequential form tunneling form determining the general usage level of competition to specific effectiveness measure for the service sector. Conclusions the conclusions were drawn from the results found and the literatures reviewed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Families of Patients with Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Families of Patients with Asthma - Essay Example The limits are as follows: "published in the last 5 years", "Core clinical journals", "Nursing journals" and "All Adult: 19+ years." The search: ((asthma education)) AND ((improved asthma control)) AND ("last 5 years"[PDat] AND (jsubsetaim[text] OR jsubsetn[text]) AND (adult[MeSH]) ) produced eight articles for review. Further limit of "Nursing journals" without "Core clinical journals" yielded four articles only. One study completed at the University of Florida College of Nursing, entitled Promoting adherence: effects of theory-based asthma education, utilized audiotapes, booklets, both, or no additional educational materials. This study revealed that out of the 46 adults participating, a significant benefit of improved adherence for medication use verified by pharmacy records was found in the education intervention group. The group was followed at three and six month intervals (Schaffer & Tian, 2004). Another study which closely relates the clinical question was conducted by department of Internal Medicine,, Croatia. The study implicates that by promoting different educational plans a better asthma control and also asthma related quality of life (QoL) can be achieved.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Network Management and Protocols Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Network Management and Protocols - Essay Example In its simplest form, SNMP is a client/server protocol. It has two entities: the manager and the managed. Most network equipment has the option of supporting the SNMP agent and responding to SNMP requests. If the server, hub, router, and, eventually, workstations have the SNMP service implemented, then the manager is able to collect data in a remote mode. The information that is available in this scenario includes inventory, configuration, network hardware and software, and operational status. Using SNMP does not cause undue stress and overload on the network. It will not affect users' response time to monitor the network on a regular basis, so long as you are not trying to replicate events too often and unnecessarily. Even though it started as a temporary solution for network management until something better was built, SNMP has become a standard. Most smart network equipment has SNMP availability. There is a limited set of SNMP commands and actions. For most of us who are not netwo rk engineers, it is enough to know that SNMP is installed so that the third-party software we will use will be able to access the protocol. For instance, when installing Windows NT, it is important to activate SNMP service. While there are great resources for learning the commands at a very detailed level, most of us will not have the time. The other component in the SNMP world of which we must at least have a superficial understanding is the MIB or management information base. Simply speaking, this is the information that is managed by SNMP.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Art History Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art History Writing - Assignment Example These paintings were oil based and mostly portrait. The influence of religion on the approach used by the artist of the era in the presentation of their ideas is evident from the type of pictures and paintings produced. Both the sculptures and painting of the era comprised of beautiful figures moving gracefully in multi-figure compositions conveying humanity and the perfection of God. Despite the growing influence of the Italian renaissance humanism, it was not able to influence artists outside Italy (Kleiner 589). Therefore, artists in Europe were not influenced by the humanism approach employed in the art from Italy. Northern painters travelled to Rome and are known as Romanists because they were influenced by the works of Michelangelo and exhibited the stylistic tendencies of mannerism. The northern renaissance in northern Europe was not influenced by the Italian renaissance but was closely linked with the protestant reformation. The series of internal and external conflicts between the Roman Catholic Church and the protestant groups had a lasting effect on the type of art developed in northern Europe. In contrast to the 1500 to 1600 art, the 1700 t0 1800 art was comprised of the concept of enlightenment. The frivolous paintings of Fragonard and the politically charged moralizing images of David influenced art (Kleiner 583). The leadership of the king of France who ruled by divine light and the development of the enlightenment thinkers indicates a change from the 1600 art. The art of the era was defined by Neo-classicism, which included the support of the revolution. It exhibited movement from the roman art that proceeded the era, which contributed significantly to the characteristics of the art depicted by Mona Lisa painting, and other paintings related to Christianity. In fact, the roman art was based on religion and the perfection of God and the role of spirituality in changing the behaviors of people with the focus being on the nature of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Capital Budgeting Techniques in Asset Investments

Capital Budgeting Techniques in Asset Investments Title: In practice asset investments are determined by using capital budgeting techniques – discuss using examples in real organisations Capital budgeting decisions are important because they affect the future earnings and growth of a company. Large amount of academic research has been devoted to establishing methods in asset investments. Most of these relate to Capital Asset Pricing Model, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. But the question still remains how closely the above prescribed methods are followed in the real world. This paper looks at the financial methods used by small and large organisations in investment decision making and analyses whether there is any difference due to firm size. It also looks at whether there is any difference in the methods used during stable and unstable business environment. Net present value and Capital Asset Pricing Model are the two most common methods prescribed by academics for investment valuation. Over the years the above methods have become more common, yet various surveys find that the large companies use these methods more frequently than smaller firms. Small firms rely more on payback method for investment decision making. They also rely on their past experiences to decide which projects to take. During uncertain and crisis times, managements rely more on their qualitative analysis than on quantitative analysis to make investment judgments even though they carry out more financial analysis. A) Comparison of small and large business practices in relation to investment decisions Discounted cash flow methods are most common financial techniques mentioned in academic literature for investment decision making. Graham and Harvey (2001) carried out a survey of 392 CFOs in USA on capital budgeting techniques. They reported that the asset investment decision making relied heavily on the net present value technique in large firms. On the other hand, smaller firms were more likely to rely on payback method. Their survey and analysis clearly showed that firm-size was a major factor in deciding the corporate finance practices employed in investment decisions. Larger firms were more inclined to use Capital Asset Pricing Model than smaller firms. In case of smaller firms, CFOs used payback period method as frequently as NPV or IRR methods. They also noted that the dividend paying firms are more likely to use NPV and IRR methods as compared to non-dividend paying companies. Since dividend paying companies are on average larger than non-dividend paying companies, it shows that larger companies rely more on NPV and IRR for asset investment decision making. While Graham and Harvey (2001) study showed the growing importance of NPV as an asset investment decision tool, it also showed that the payback method is the third most likely used method in asset investment decision making process. Because of no time value of money in payback method, academics don’t use it for capital budget method. Buts its prevalence and third ranking shows that the companies still rely on relatively incorrect method for investment decision making. Brounen, Jong and Koedijk (2004) extended Graham and Harvey (2001) study to Europe. They surveyed 313 firms in UK, the Netherlands, Germany and France to analyse the practical applicability of the net present value and capital asset pricing models in the business world. Like results in Graham and Harvey (2001) study, their main observation was that the financial management practices are determined mainly by the size of a firm. But they found some differences in financial practices between companies based in USA and Europe. On capital budgeting, Brounen, Jong and Koedijk (2004) found that European firms are more likely to rely on payback method for investment decision making. While the payback method was third preference in the US, it was number one preference among European firms. Brounen, Jong and Koedijk (2004) noted that smaller firms use cost of capital as told by their investors. They don’t have robust resources in place neither internally nor resources to procure external services for cost of capital calculation. Absence of proper cost of capital measurement results in higher use of payback method. While in case of US companies, the use of NPV and payback method was equally distributed in the small firm segment, the use of payback was more prevalent in European smaller firms. This difference could be due to the difference in sample size of American and European firms. 51% of American firms in Graham and Harvey (2001) survey had sales of more than $500 million US dollars. The corresponding figure in Brounen, Jong and Koedijk (2004) survey is less than 25%. As the average size of European firms in Brounen, Jong and Koedijk (2004) survey was smaller than average size of American firms in Graham and Harvey (2001) survey, it is more likely that smaller firms use payback more than NPV in asset investment decision making. Ekanem (2005) surveyed 8 small enterprises in the printing and clothing sectors in UK to analyse their investment decision making process. His results showed that owner-managers of small firms rely more on their previous experience than formal evaluation to make investment decisions. He also lists the barriers faced by the small firms in investment decision making that result in owners’ reliance more on their experiences rather than formal evaluation. He cites absence of resources, both financial and managerial, to carry out proper financial evaluation and concentration of decision making in hands of one or two people as the major reasons behind their focus on past experiences. Ekanem (2005) also mentions the uncertain and risky nature of small enterprises as one of the reasons for relying more on experience. Small firms may run out of cash quickly due to sudden change in environment before they could see positive cash inflows from a project and hence many times ignore project s with higher payback periods. Sole trader A sole trader is most likely to employ his past experiences in evaluating an investment decision. If he had any past experiences which brought his current business or past businesses very close to bankruptcy due to high amount of debts, he would not like to take up projects which are not cash positive in short term even though they might have a positive net cash flow over their life. Most of the sole traders even don’t understand their true cost of capital. If they fund an internal project from internal accruals they don’t associate any cost with it. Very seldom they think about an opportunity cost of capital. Another reason for not associating costs to internal funds is the absence of difference between business and personal finances. Sole traders don’t have an external majority shareholder to report to and are not accountable to outsiders. They keep on drawing and adding back money to the business based on their personal requirements. Under such circumstances, it becomes very difficult for a sole trader to keep track of all cash flows associated with a project and hence is unable to do the asset investment decision making on the discounted cash flow model. As an example, we look at the independent pharmacies, i.e., those pharmacies not owned by a group or corporate houses and they normally have 1 to 5 pharmacy outlets in UK. Many of these are limited companies and owned and managed by a qualified pharmacist. Due to increasing regulatory requirements and competition, pharmacies are undergoing refurbishment to offer additional services and increase foot fall and over the counter sales. Over the counter sales have higher margins than NHS prescriptions. Most of the owners of the independent pharmacies are qualified pharmacists who have professionally managed their pharmacies but don’t have the financial expertise to properly evaluate an asset investment decision based on capital budgeting. When independent pharmacy owners spend money on refurbishment, they don’t take into account the cash flows associated specifically with the refurbishment over its project period. Most of them don’t have the financial expertise to build a full-scale discounted cash flow model to find out the net present value of the refurbishment project. Nor they like to spend money on external resources to do a financial evaluation. If they see that their peers in the pharmacy industry have managed to do well with refurbishment projects, they undertake similar projects. B) Comparison of investment decisions in stable and unstable business environments When companies have time to plan in advance, they do account for different risks when planning investment decisions. Cooper et. al. (2002) surveyed companies on the method of handling risk in the capital budgeting process. 87% of the respondents replied that they use subjective techniques and 65% affirmed that they used quantitative techniques. On the methods used to quantify risk, 33% of the respondents replied that they increase the required rate of return or cost of capital to compensate for risk considerations. But planning for risk in stable times and then taking decisions in unstable times are different things due to dynamics of things during unstable times. The major difference between stable and unstable environment is the increase in risk during unstable environment. Companies face two different kind of unstable business environments – company specific and economic-wide unstable business environment. Company specific unstable environment relate to company only and occur mostly due to rapid changes in that industry and/or the financial state of that company. The additional major risks facing a company under economic-wide unstable times are political risks and foreign exchange risks. Even though companies plan for political risks by adjusting rate of capital, when they actually face such a scenario, the investment decision making is more than just calculating net present value. Alessandri (2003) found that managers rely on their personal judgment and experience more than on quantitative decision tools as uncertainty increases. The use of qualitative tools more at the times of higher uncertainty deviates from the reliance of academic literature on quantitative tools only. Consider the example of firms planning to invest in Bolivia. Bolivia’s new president has nationalised mining industry. Any firm planning to invest in Bolivia will reassess the risk involved in investing there as its assets could be nationalised in future. It can use the net present value models and adjust political risk factor to incorporate future nationalising in Bolivia. But even after obtaining a positive net present value, most of the companies would not like to invest at current times. They would like to wait and watch to see further actions of the Bolivian government before making any investment decision. If the firm has external shareholders, the management would not like to invest in Bolivia now because if anything goes wrong in future, the management will find it very difficult to justify their action. They would rather play it safe and let the investment opportunity pass by if not invest later rather than facing a situation where their decisions could be severely cr iticised. The other major risk that could happen in unstable times is the foreign exchange risk. During 1997-98 the currencies of South East Asian countries plummeted. The drop was so sudden and so sharp that all financial modelling about risk incorporation couldn’t take full effects into consideration. Foreign investment in South East Asian countries in late 1997 and 1998 dropped significantly. Most of the companies waited for the government to take action and economy to stabilise before channelling in their investments. Because of the sharp drop in their currencies, it was widely expected that South East Asian countries would impose some ban on foreign capital repayment to prevent further out flow of foreign exchange. When countries did implement such ban, multinational companies were not sure when such a ban would be lifted and did not invest in South East Asian economies till the situation became normal. The rapid change in business environment during crisis times makes it very difficult for companies to assign value to various risk factors used in capital asset pricing model and net present value. This also results in managements relying more on qualitative analysis for investment decision making. Companies also face unstable business environment or crisis times which are specific to them only. This normally occurs when a company is perceived to be unable to meet its debt requirements and there are chances of it going into administration. At such times even though the company may come across a positive net present value project, it would be unable to invest money into the project because of high debt level concerns. Stagecoach is a UK listed firm in transportation sector. Prior to 2001, it had diversified in UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Sep 11, 2001 events severely impacted its tour operations because of reduced travel. Because of high fixed cost in establishing travel business, sudden drop in revenues raised doubts about the loan serviceability[1]. This was reflected in the sudden drop of Stagecoach’s share price which lost more than 3/4th of its value in the year 2002[2]. Even though Stagecoach’s Hong Kong operations were profitable, the management sold Hong Kong operations to reduce debt levels to meet market expectations[3]. The management also sold other operations in non-UK countries and its share of a joint venture with Virgin Rail to reduce debt levels. Investment decision making in crisis times involves more than just quantitative analysis and managements make decisions based on their past experiences and likely outcome of different scenarios. Many times during company-specific crisis of high debt, managements take investment decisions to meet market expectations rather than decisions based on net present value. CONCLUSION Capital budgeting decisions play a very important role in deciding future growth of a company. Academics rely on use of financial models like net present value, capital asset pricing model and internal rate of return to evaluate investment decisions. Over the years, the use of above methods has become more common. Large companies mostly use the above methods in asset investments. But in case of smaller companies, the use of other methods like payback period is still prevalent. Though over the years the gap between theory and practice has narrowed down, the use of payback period method shows that smaller companies either don’t have the expertise or resources to do proper financial evaluation. The owner-managers of smaller companies and sole traders also rely heavily on their past experiences to decide about investments. During uncertain and crisis times, managements rely more on their qualitative analysis than on quantitative analysis to make investment judgments even though they carry out more financial analysis. Managements would not like to take decisions just on the basis of net present value to invest during crisis times. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alessandri, T. (2003). â€Å"The impact of risk and uncertainty on rationality: Evidence from capital investment decision processes†. Working paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA. Brounen, D., A. de Jong and K. Koedijk (2004). â€Å"Corporate finance in Europe: Confronting theory with practice†. Financial Management, Tampa. Winter 2004. Vol. 33, Iss. 4; Pg. 71 Cooper, W.D., R.G. Morgan, A. Redman and M. Smith (2002). â€Å"Capital budgeting models: theory versus practice†, Business Forum, Los Angeles, 2002, Vol. 26, Iss. 1/2, Pg.15 Ekanem, I. (2005). â€Å"‘Bootstrapping’: The investment decision-making process in small firms†. The British Accounting Review, Kidlington. Sep 2005, Vol. 37, Iss. 3, Pg. 299 Graham, J.R. and Harvey, C.R. (2001). â€Å"The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field†. Journal of Financial Economics, Amsterdam. May/Jun 2001. Vol. 60, Iss. 2,3; Pg. 187 [1] Stagecoach trading update ( [2] Stagecoach share price chart ( Date 21 Jan 2007) [3] Stagecoach’s sale of Hong Kong operations (

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Lost Generation by Ernest Hemingway Essay -- The Lost Generation E

The Lost Generation by Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway is one of the authors named â€Å"The Lost Generation.† He could not cope with post-war America; therefore, he introduced a new type of character in writing called the code hero. He was known to focus his novels around code heroes who struggle with the mixture of their tragic faults and the surrounding environment. Traits of a typical Hemingway code hero are stimulating surroundings, self-control, self-reliance, fearlessness, and strict moral rules. In Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Pedro Romero is the character who maintains the typical code hero qualities, while Robert Cohn provides the antithesis of a code hero. Pedro Romero comes closest to the embodiment of Hemingways’s code hero because of his strength, courage, and confidence. Brett is enchanted by this handsome, nineteen-year-old matador. He is a fearless figure who confronts death in his occupation; he is not afraid in the bullring and controls the bulls like a master. Pedro is the first man since Jake who causes Brett to lose her self-control. She...

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Life Experience Essay

I stand before you today to share with you all my experiences so far here at UWA, and the beautiful city of Perth. To begin with, the 1st and foremost reason that I chose UWA is that it not only is the oldest university in the state of Western Australia but also the only university in the state to be a member of the Group of Eight. It’s also has an international reputation for excellence in teaching, learning and research and stands 96th all over the world according to the Shanghai-Jiao Tong University’s Academic Ranking of World Universities, considered to be the most influential international ranking. Moving on, to share with you all my academic experience in the university so far, The last two months, have been very beneficial, I have had the privilege of being taught by highly learned and experienced professors in a very flexible classroom environment. The lectures are interactive and use of technology makes it all the more interesting. Regular tests and assignments keep us engaged in our studies and group work help us in bonding with our fellow students, thus motivating us to do better. Now, coming to a point that captures every international students mind before they take up a course abroad-Part time jobs to meet regular expenses and Jobs post completion of course. Well, in this regard I can confidently say that while in Perth no student can complain of unavailability of part time jobs. There are a lot of casual jobs available here in Perth like Wait staff at restaurants, which can be a start-up job and easily accessible even without prior experience. One can also go in for a security licence or can get into store management of departmental stores like Coles or Woolworths and a variety of other options. Post Completion of course one can expect an average salary of about $50,000- $90,000 and a wide area of jobs opportunities in different streams. The job market on the whole is in a big boom, with WA being the fastest growing state in Australia. Studying in UWA also brings about a lot of integrity among students from different nationalities. Personally, I have come across students from all over the world like Bangladesh, China, N. Korea, Japan, USA, France, Germany, U.K., etc. We learn a lot about their culture, their county, so it truly is an international experience. Finally, Living in Perth: I love living in Perth it’s great, you have beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and good nightlife and can make great friends, just like anywhere else. Subiaco, Fremantle, Claremont are some of the suburbs that have great coffee culture. So what if there is no Starbucks, we are blessed with Dome, Another chain of coffee shops. And one cannot afford to miss the excellent raspberry and white chocolate muffins that they serve. As a kid I always heard † ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY† , holds true, but Perth definitely makes up for all the hard work we put to complete assignments and late hours of studying for tests. From beaches to shopping to warm evenings and sailing. Perth has it all. Thank You.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stages of Cognitive Moral Development

Stages of Cognitive Moral Development American History X is a movie that reveals what individuals go through sometimes in order to reform themselves into better people both morally and ethically. Derek Vinyard, the main character, is the individual who experiences tough times in order to find his true identity. Throughout the movie, references are made to Derek's past with the use of flashbacks. Danny, his younger brother, idolizes him. As a result, it takes extra effort from Derek to attempt to prevent Danny from going down the wrong road that he had once traveled. Derek was brought up in a household in which his father expressed racism toward minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics. For instance, when the entire family was sitting at the dinner table, Derek's father made it a point to explain to Derek that affirmative action is totally unconstitutional. From this, Derek became part of an organization that called themselves the DOC. The members of this group displayed hatred and disrespect to minorities through their actions and verbal abuse. While part of the DOC, Cameron Alexander, the founder, informed Derek that he wanted him to be the leader. Derek took the position with open arms and was accepted by those underneath him as the authority. However, Derek ran into some serious trouble with the law when he was imprisoned for murdering two blacks. The two blacks were attempting to steal his car and that was how he reacted. Derek showed no remorse whatsoever for what had had just done. During Derek's stay in prison, which last three years, his views toward minorities changed. Derek landed a job in prison with a black individual. At first, Derek was reluctant to carry on any sort of conversation with him. But, as time passed on, a friendship between the two was formed. In addition, a former black high school professor, Dr. Sweeney, visited with Derek and discussed racial issues. At this point, Derek has di... Stages of Cognitive Moral Development Stages of Cognitive Moral Development American History X is a movie that reveals what individuals go through sometimes in order to reform themselves into better people both morally and ethically. Derek Vinyard, the main character, is the individual who experiences tough times in order to find his true identity. Throughout the movie, references are made to Derek's past with the use of flashbacks. Danny, his younger brother, idolizes him. As a result, it takes extra effort from Derek to attempt to prevent Danny from going down the wrong road that he had once traveled. Derek was brought up in a household in which his father expressed racism toward minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics. For instance, when the entire family was sitting at the dinner table, Derek's father made it a point to explain to Derek that affirmative action is totally unconstitutional. From this, Derek became part of an organization that called themselves the DOC. The members of this group displayed hatred and disrespect to minorities through their actions and verbal abuse. While part of the DOC, Cameron Alexander, the founder, informed Derek that he wanted him to be the leader. Derek took the position with open arms and was accepted by those underneath him as the authority. However, Derek ran into some serious trouble with the law when he was imprisoned for murdering two blacks. The two blacks were attempting to steal his car and that was how he reacted. Derek showed no remorse whatsoever for what had had just done. During Derek's stay in prison, which last three years, his views toward minorities changed. Derek landed a job in prison with a black individual. At first, Derek was reluctant to carry on any sort of conversation with him. But, as time passed on, a friendship between the two was formed. In addition, a former black high school professor, Dr. Sweeney, visited with Derek and discussed racial issues. At this point, Derek has di...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Narnia †A Fantasy World Hidden in a Wardrobe †Literature Essay

Narnia – A Fantasy World Hidden in a Wardrobe – Literature Essay Free Online Research Papers Narnia A Fantasy World Hidden in a Wardrobe Literature Essay The relevance of the title shows a world of fantasy within the real world. A fantasy world that is hidden in a wardrobe and only the chosen youth could enter. They enter the fantasy world, â€Å"Narnia†, with a start of a new adventure and along the way they learn morals and their own unique self. Narnia reveals a land of fantasy that teaches the youth what is right thing to do when you are in doubt of in difficulty. The film shows many spiritual implications but basically in general it is a conflict between good and evil. Where in the good is represented by the good creatures living in Narnia and the youthful kids that entered the world while the evil is represented by the White Witch and her attendants. The good creatures and the youthful kids show the spiritual implications of hope and they promote freedom while the White Witch demonstrates power and greed and she promotes dictatorship. Once the young kids enter the world of Narnia they are barraged with so many trials yet they have the choice to do what is right or to go home and to do nothing at all. There is an old saying that â€Å"EVIL WILL PREVAIL IF THE GOOD DO NOTHING†. So they were having a conflict between their own conscience, to leave Narnia and let evil prevail or to stay and liberate the creatures from the clutches of White Witch. Hence, they stayed and they learned morals and justice and they got to seek out their own ind ividuality during their struggle. In the film there are so many characters with their own strengths and flaws nevertheless the character â€Å"Lion† is who I want to be. The Lion in the film portrays honesty, freedom, and justice. It’s rare to find those kinds of qualities in this world today. We are surrounded by money, power, greed and corruption and only hope can contradict this immoral plague. This is what Aslan does. He gives hope to the creatures of Narnia to fight Narnia to fight for freedom and he shows compassion and justice to to those who have been undone. Aslans amazing love for the Narnia people, even Edmund, a traitor, is demonstrated with painful clarity when Aslan sacrifices his own life to save Edmund. Logically, this sacrifice seems silly, as the Witch triumphantly points out. By losing his life, Aslan seems to be giving the Witch Narnia forever. Aslan is quiet and patient, and he endures torture until he is murdered. Aslans perspective and foresight contrasts the Witchs myopia. Althou gh the Witch can use magic to gain power, she does not have the vision or the character of Aslan. Aslan is confident that his power is greater than the Witchs strength, but Aslan never shows bravado. Aslan is willing to die to save Narnia nevertheless through his wit he was resurrected and was able to help to save Narnia from the White Witch. This is why I want to be Aslan because he is like Jesus Christ. He is willing to give his life to save others and his act is selfless. The difference between fantasy and reality is that fantasy shows a world of imagination that goes beyond man’s limitations and reality is the â€Å"real† world that we live in. In the beginning of the film â€Å"Narnia†, it shows the sad truth about war. The children were sent to the countryside so they won’t be affected by the turmoil. This shows the realism in the film. It shows how World War II affected the lives of the youth. As the children were sent to the countryside, they were taken care by a professor and a caretaker in a lavish mansion. The purely fantasy here is when the children were entered the world of Narnia through the wardrobe and all the events that happened in there were pure fantasy. Research Papers on Narnia - A Fantasy World Hidden in a Wardrobe - Literature EssayHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayWhere Wild and West MeetHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionCapital Punishment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtMind TravelEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenQuebec and CanadaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Monday, November 4, 2019

Crew Resource Management. Report(2000 words)- Using the model designed Essay

Crew Resource Management. Report(2000 words)- Using the model designed by Professor James Reason, write a report on the - Essay Example and information about the dangers of Pump A had been misplaced, through the change of staffing which occurred overnight, thus the cause of the explosion when Pump A was turned on and gas began to leak out of the network of piping on the rig. Professor James Reason developed a model known as the Reason Error Prevention Model or the Swiss Cheese Model which suggests that gaps in process or management can lead to on-the-job hazards or accidents (in an environment such as Piper Alpha), with these gaps requiring closure in order to provide effective management and successful adherence to process guidelines. This report identifies certain managerial and process breakdowns which occurred in 1988 on Piper Alpha in order to highlight how better to manage organisational risks, especially in an environment prone to dangerous hazards. Reason’s model suggests that human error is a natural evolution in any business environment and should be considered when creating a leadership or management model. Lack of concentration, carelessness or forgetfulness are human failings and are going to be present in the organisational design, thus leading to undesirable business outcomes. Further, Reason claims that â€Å"adverse events are the product of latent conditions (pathogens) within the organisational system† (Reason, 2008, p.7; Jeffries, 2005). By this, Reason means that even the most detailed and sophisticated management models, maintaining a strong focus on safety and adherence to policy, can still be interrupted by humans or organisational pathogens and lead to workplace hazards. At Piper Alpha, the disaster cost the company $1.4 billion in USD (Peterson, 1991). The pathogen which existed during this time period was failure for safety workers and managers to perform follow-up with on-duty managers after changing shifts overnight. Even though the permit system had been established to ensure that machinery experiencing maintenance was isolated and closed off, shift leaders did

Friday, November 1, 2019

What are the three most important aspects or sections of the Essay

What are the three most important aspects or sections of the constitution - Essay Example The Constitution aids in enforcing the boundaries and rights of this relationship. While every aspect and section of the Constitution is important to maintaining control and equality in the United States amongst all citizens, there are some sections that stand out from the others. The Constitution, penned over a span of many years and approved of on September 17, 1787, consists of numerous articles, clauses, and amendments that help to define the relationship that exists between the government, the states, and every citizen of the United States.The first ten amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights, the Fifteenth Amendment, and Article Five each have a significance not only in its context, but in the history behind their existence. Bill of Rights The first ten amendments in the Constitution are more commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights and were among the first laws agreed upon for United States citizens. Just as the name suggests, the purpose of these amendments is to outli ne the legal rights that all United States citizens are entitled to. The significance of the Bill of Rights is that they show some of the issues that existed back when they were first penned in 1789; they also reveal the responses that were given to some of these problems and what was done to overcome them. These were issues that were at the hearts of many of the citizens of America, as well as the government officials that could make the desired changes for the sake of humanity. As amendments of the Constitution, these rights are meant to be upheld and exercised as people see fit. They are also used to help citizens should their rights be questioned, especially in a court of law. One of the most important and most exercised amendments in the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment, which allows for freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and petition. It is this amendment that has allowed people to speak their minds and express their thoughts and feelings, just as long as they adhere to the portion of the amendment that goes against speaking with the intention of starting a physical altercation with another. Under this amendment, citizens are able to freely express themselves as individuals, providing opportunities to healthily debate with others that do not agree on the same position. The significance of this amendment is that it allows citizens to exercise their rights to be individuals without having to censor themselves. Furthermore, it is because of the First Amendment that the United States has the media and art that it does. By exercising their rights to speak or express themselves freely, people have written literature, painted pictures and buildings, and have made careers as musicians under this amendment. It can be said that an entire amendment is the cause of a free, expression-filled America. Yet another most touched-upon amendment, as well as the most controversial, is the Second Amendment, which allows citizens the right to possess weapons. The imp ortance of this amendment is that it provides citizens with the opportunity to protect themselves and their families. Despite the controversy surrounding this amendment and how it should be interpreted, this amendment is being used to make sure that people are entitled to certain levels of physical protection. The Second Amendment is currently being tried in college campuses throughout the United States with the hopes that school-related violence will be drastically decreased. This amendment caters to the safety of American citizens while ensuring that the method of safety is properly implemented and not abused. The importance of these two amendments does not suggest that the other amendments are unimportant to the citizens of the United States. The Sixth Amendment promises a speedy trial for criminal offenses and the Seventh Amendment guarantees a trial by jury of the defendant's peers; the Fourth Amendment